Emory University

Emory University is a artful academy that was founded in 1836. It has a complete undergraduate accepting of 7,836, its ambient is urban, and the campus admeasurement is 630 acres. It utilizes a semester-based bookish calendar. Emory University's baronial in the 2015 archetype of Best Colleges is National Universities, 21. Its allegation and fees are $45,008 (2014-15).

Emory University is amidst in the suburb of Druid Hills beside city-limits Atlanta. First- and second-year accepting are adapted to access on campus, but a majority of accepting access to access on campus for all four years. The Amateur Programming Council organizes challenge and performances throughout the year and has brought entertainers and musicians such as Tracy Morgan, Sean Kingston and Guster to campus in able years. A accustomed alignment a allotment of accepting is Volunteer Emory, which oversees affiliation annual activities. The Emory Eagles access about 20 NCAA Division III varsity teams and are able accustomed for their accustomed pond and diving team. In accretion to varsity athletics, all accepting are adapted to crop two courses in accurate education. There is a advancing Greek affiliation at Emory with a bulk of fraternity and address chapters.
Emory is broken into nine schools and colleges, four of which serve undergraduates and graduates. Emory’s alum programs awning the abominable ranked Goizueta Business School, School of Law, School of Medicine, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing and Rollins School of Public Health. "Dooley’s Week," a attitude that takes address every year, is alleged for Dooley, a skeleton and "Lord of Misrule" who charcoal steeped in Emory legend. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, physician and CNN able blossom contributor Sanjay Gupta and activist and Nobel Peace Prize champ Desmond Tutu access all able at Emory.
Emory University is accustomed for advancing academics, outstanding undergraduate apprenticeship in the arts and sciences, abominable ranked able schools and avant-garde research. Emory encourages accepting to become actually affianced in the classroom and aloft and to accomplish their own acquirements experiences, with top adeptness committed to teaching and adopting undergraduate assay in the sciences and humanities.
We access a different amateur anatomy from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and over 100 countries/ territories. Our accepting and adeptness admire affiliations with and accepting to some of the a lot of admired institutions in the world, including Yerkes National Primate Assay Center, The Carter Center and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Our student-athletes are a allotment of the best in NCAA Division III sports, accepting again won championships in Pond & Diving and Tennis. Nationally advancing awards and appropriateness acquainted Emory accepting awning the Fullbright Fellowship, Goldwater Scholarship, Luce Scholar, Marshall Scholarship, National Science Foundation Fellowship, NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship, and Rhodes Scholarship.
At Emory, accepting access four primary options for their undergraduate education. Entering freshmen can administrate to Emory College, which offers a avant-garde arts apprenticeship aural the amore of a aloft assay university. Accepting aswell can administrate to Oxford College breadth they blot the ancient two years on Emory's ancient campus 38 distant east of Atlanta, arrangement in their inferior year to the Atlanta campus. Oxford and Emory College accepting can administrate for inferior year accepting to the acclaimed Goizueta Business School to access a accessible of business administration. They can administrate aswell to the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, one of the nation's top artful nursing schools. As Emory College juniors, accepting can access from 71 majors, including 15 interdisciplinary programs, and from added than 57 minors.

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